In our life, with the innovation of technology, every product comes with its identification in text or barcode. we can easily check it, and the maker also using it to prevent fake products, keep traceability on it. Popular barcodes we can meet in daily life are UPC barcode, UpN barcode, QRcode, and Data matrix code,... and to read it we can easily use our phone. But in industrial production, the reading needs to be truthful, easy to send out data, or stable in reading since reading operation may defect by lighting, noise, or high reading speed. Barcode reader from maker Mars-tohken Solution bring us advantages:

  • Applicable for traceability in any industrial application with a wide range of reader models.
  • Can read and analyze code 1D to 2D or 2.5D rapidly, even with damaged code or in a noisy environment, and also check the quality of code with ISO standard.
  • Can decode complex or specials code made by the producer with high security.
  • Readers of MTS have the ability to check the code quality and show barcode's grade in ISO standard.

Our technical team is capable, adaptive, experience, and well trained by our partner Mars-tohken Solution. We Temas are confident in integration, and always find out the ideal solution with a perfect price for your requirements.

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